Call Box Commands
Version 2.0 15 Jan-90

CALL QF Shutdown the Call Box BASIC interface

A -CB starts up the Call Box BASIC driver and CALL TL,xx starts up special tools but when your done playing with your toys you need to put them away! CALL QF does this in one stroke. This call shuts down the Call Box BASIC driver, all the tools, and any memory blocks that have been allocated for your program.

CALL QF SHUTDOWN: This call shuts down the Call Box BASIC driver, all the tools, and any memory blocks that have been allocated for your program.

Your program would usually end after CALLing QF by exiting to BASIC, running another program, or issueing a "BYE" to a P16 application (like HyperLaunch or the Finder) if that's who launched you.