Call Box Commands
Version 2.0 15 Jan-90

CALL PO the BIG POKE command

This command allows you to poke values greater than 256. You can poke 1 ,2,3 or 4 byte values (values up to 4.29E +09). This value can be poked into any address in the IIgs ... (16,777,214). The value and address can be specified as decimal, hex, binary, integer or floating point constants and/or variables.

This commands primary use is for setting Handles, pointers and words. Handles and pointers have 4 bytes and words have 2.

CALL PO,D,A,V BIG POKE: This command allows you to poke values greater than 256.

Number of bytes used (1-4) to represent the value.

A IIgs memory location (0-16,777,214).

The value you want to poke into the memory location.